205 N. John Street, Highland Michigan 48357

Master Plan

Township government is guided in its land use policies and decisions through a series of "living documents" collectively known as the Master Plan. For Highland Township, the heart of this guidance is found within the "Highland Township Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2000-2020" This document was adopted in 2000, after a lengthy period of study and analysis which included visioning sessions with the public, a resident land use opinion survey, and considerable debate about the future of Highland Township. 

Since then, a number of "micro area analyses" have been completed to evaluate either specific small areas (e.g. one square mile centered on a specific intersection) or to discuss specific land uses (e.g. where it is appropriate to focus multiple family development). Such studies are generally initiated by the Planning Commission in response to recognized trends in land use in our Township or region, or as a vehicle to evaluate the appropriateness of development proposals that might vary from those envisioned where the zoning ordinance was crafted. 

Master Plan

Current Master Plan progress

The Planning Commission is currently working on a new Master Plan to take the community forward through 2040.  Public input efforts have included a Resident Survey mailed out to 25 percent of all households in 2022, and a Visioning Session held in May 2023. 

The Board of Trustees authorized release of the plan to neighboring communities at their regular meeting of October 7, 2024.  The plan has been distributed to adjacent communities, other agencies and utilities for review and comment.  The comment period runs through January 3, 2025.  

A public hearing will be conducted in January after which the Planning Commission will consider full adoption of the plan.

visioning session report background study slides DRAFT MASTER PLAN UPDATE survey result slides draft future land use map visioning session slides
Engineering Design Standards