205 N. John Street, Highland Michigan 48357

Poverty Exemption

Low income residents who meet the Township guidelines may apply for poverty exemption from the Board of Review. The Board of Review convenes to review Poverty applications in July and December of every year.

Poverty exemptions granted for the first time in the 2021, 2022, or 2023 tax years to be continued for an additional 3 years after the initial year of exemption, with an Affirmation Application if: 

(i) there is no change in the ownership or occupancy status of the person who was eligible for the poverty exemption, and (ii) that person receives a fixed income solely from public assistance that is not subject to significant annual increases beyond the rate of inflation.

Please have your application and documents in by June 1st or November 1st. 

If you have any questions please call the Township Office at 248-887-3791 ext. 3.

eligibility guidelines